Created for a photoshoot based on the musical by Tina Landau, this project blurred the lines between costume crafts and performance art by physically reenacting the events surrounding his death. By dyeing the costume in dirt, I was able to bury Floyd in effigy and left him outside for a night. Several rocks were placed to mimic the way Floyd was pinned within the cave and create a resist to the dye. I then hit the costume with multiple distressing agents and used tools Floyd would have used, such as pickaxes and shovels, to physically distress the fabric. By coating the costume in dirt and dancing on it, I reenacted the carnival in which tourists danced on his grave. The director and I discussed the idea of Floyd almost growing into the earth, so moss and rocks were added to bend realities between the world of the living and dead. For the final photoshoot, dried rose petals, mud and fake blood were used to create a tangible distortion of reality and blur the lines between human and earth. You can find more from this project in the Portfolio tab.